KUTUv.1, which is consisted of gallery room and office, covers an area of 20,25 m2. The place, with the height of 2.3 m. , keeps the chance of alterations in the lighting system and surface coverals according to due to the artists wishes.

KUTUv.1 “portable Art Gallery” is presented to an audiene for the first time in Proje4L’s group exhibition : “ Under the beach : The Pavement” from 22 november 2002 to 17 january 2003

After the first exhibition in Istanbul , Kutu has been transported to IZMIR.
This project rebuilded in a D.E.U. Faculty of Fine Arts and then Kutu will go an other activities in the faculty with an another artists.

Kutu welcomes all artists and curators to propose new ideas and projects for the gallery.

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